Big Brain Herbivores: Pro-Herbivore Evidence

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8.   Human mothers feed their babies herbivore's milk (cow, sheep, goat, camel), not omnivore's milk (dog, pig, bear).  Our herbivorous bodies are so sensitive that even the milk of a fellow herbivore (cow, sheep, camel, etc...) must be boiled or pasteurized (to eliminate pathogens, enzymes, germs and microbes) and thereafter immediately refrigerated (refrigerator was invented only about 150 years ago).  We have been on Earth for millions of years and 150 years relative to millions of years is a short period. Without food refrigeration, pasteurization, motor transportation and industrial animal factories the price of meat, dairy and eggs would be a lot higher especially in warm climate areas where most of humanity resides.

1LB of Cheese=10LB of Milk
1LB of Butter =20 LBs of Milk

DAIRY IS SCARY! The industry
explained in 5 minutes

9.  Why Burn Meat?  Do you eat Raw Chicken? Raw Rabbit? Raw Deer? Raw Lobster? The only foods we can eat in excess Raw without getting ill are plant-based like fruits, vegetables and nuts. We eat Cooked/Burnt meat with RAW plant-based condiments, herbs and spices to change the taste of burnt meat to plants (like herbivores in denial).  Our taste buds evolved over millions of years, love raw plant taste.  Examples: hamburger, steak, filet mignon, fried chicken, hot dog, bacon, boiled lobster, crap, shrimp, etc. All eaten burnt with raw plant-based condiments, spices and herbs. Heat is indiscriminant. It destroys the Bad (bacteria, virus, germ, etc.) AND the Good (vitamins, minerals, vital nutrients) too.
Why Burn Meat ? Refrigeration
10.  We Are Starchivores   (Rice, Potato, Bread, Pasta, Beans, etc.)
The difference between cellulose and starch is that starch is a branched polymer, while cellulose is a linear polymer. Both starches and cellulose are made of glucose molecules, but the difference between them is that starch is a branched polymer, while cellulose is a linear polymer. We eat cooked starches with raw plants, plant-based condiments, spices and herbs.

11.  Old age diseasesStroke, Alzheimer, Diabetic Blindness, Heart Attack
12.  Herbivores are Tall

13.  Hominid (our ancestor) 4 million years ago was herbivore.
Jaw Hominid Vs. Chimp

Most Evil, Selfish & Sadistic
Eating burnt meat, milk or egg of a cage-raised, tortured innocent powerless animal-kid.

14.  Consuming Dairy, Eggs and Meat is supporting Torture of innocent, powerless who did not chose to be born in man-made hell. What goes around, comes around.  Don't play dice, not worth the risk.

Duck Soup

  15.   Animal-based foods cause weight & age related diseases (Stroke, Cancer, Heart Attack, Diabetes, etc.),  Healthy Eyes

  16Longevity, Comparing large (>30LBs) land mammals: Herbivores live longer than omnivores. We, like herbivores have a long life span.

 17.  Sleep Comparing large land mammals:  Omnivore Vs. Herbivore.
                     Herbivores sleep less than omnivores. We sleep less. 

18.  Taste Buds.  Our taste buds have evolved over millions of years. We naturally don't like the taste of raw or cooked-burnt meat.  Most meat is consumed cooked with herbs, plant condiments or spices to cover or change the taste of meat.  Examples: fried chicken, lobster, steak, hamburger, bacon, pork ribs, omelet, sausage, lamb.
19.   Large land Omnivores lap up their water with their tongues.  Herbivores suck up their water (Example:  elephant, giraffe, human, horse, cow).  Have you used a straw lately ?

20.  Sweating.  Herbivores cool by sweating through the skin.  Omnivores cool through their mouth and tongue.  We sweat like a horse threw our skin and armpits. 

21.   Fear of the Dark.  Predators have better night vision.  We have poor night vision.  At night, hungry predators actively hunt prey, thus our natural fear of  the dark. Proof: Horror movies:  Hellraiser, halloween, Exorcist, Psycho, etc.  Almost all occur during night, or in a dark basement. 

For more Physical Evidence and more detailed analysis of the anatomy, please see:

Here are a few non-physical evidences: 

*  We have been on this planet for more than 25 million years mostly in hot populated areas around equator.  Artificial refrigeration was invented less than 200 years ago.  Without refrigeration, transportation and consumption of meat, diary and eggs would be virtually impossible or very expensive.
*  Animal products must not only be cooked-burnt, but also pasteurized or refrigerated - both Invented <200 Years ago. 

We are naturally kind with strong empathy. It's against our nature to cage, torture, terrorize and butcher animals. There is no reason to do so. Plant foods are healthier and cheaper. 

*  Animal-based foods are fattening (low volume, high calorie). 
Result of Omnivore Diet: 69% of Americans are Overweight. 36% are Obese.

*  Healthy Vegan Cats & Dogs.  Even regular commercial pet food contains plant foods such as corn, rice and chemicals. Vegetarian or vegan pet food is specifically formulated for a pet's nutritional needs.  If real carnivores can live long, healthy lives without meat, there is no excuse for us not to do so.  It's a lot cheaper and healthier route to go without supporting caging, torture, terror and butchering of the mute, the innocent and the powerless.

Delicious Vegan (Plant-based) Foods & Dishes (Images)

*  What is the Natural Human Diet? Michael Greger, M.D.


                       Battery Cages                        

Canine Teeth & Diet:  Human & Chimpanzee

Is eating meat manly ?  Let's ask Arnold



1800s: "Slave Commodities".  2016: "Livestock Commodities" - a trillion times worse.
1825 (~200 years ago) human population 1 billion and no animal torture factories. They were all free rangers.
Today every Year 56,000 million cage-raised, brutally tortured animals/kids are butchered - not including fish.
Same as 1800s, but a trillion times worseEgg = child torture

3 logical reasons to not eat Meat, Dairy or Eggs

Plant-Foods are Not Protein Deficient   
According to (source USDA)  by calorie Soy, Seitan (mock meat), Yeast, Tofu and Tempeh all have more protein than Steak. And by weight Soybean and Peanuts have more protein than Steak.  Plus plant foods have no cholesterol and have fiber and other vital nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
% Protein by calorie & weight (source USDA) 

(Click to enlarge)
Good Vs. Evil (Torture)

Cruel, Bloody Protein Wars:  Meat 25%.  Seitan 75%!  Seitan Wins (3 times more)!
Lose Weight without dieting
If this healthy, sharp, 98-year-old heart surgeon can live without meat, dairy & eggs for ~50 years, why can't you ?                                

      Burning is extreme heating such as cooking, grilling, frying, micro-waving, broiling etc. Heating is indiscriminant: It destroys the Bad (microbes, viruses) & the Good (protein, vitamins). Do you eat raw chicken, deer, lobster, duck, pig, horse, cow, sheep or rabbit ?               

World Wrestling Championship
To the left:  6' tall, 190LB, Male Herbivore.
To the right:      3.5' tall,  80LB,  Female Omnivore.
Burning Food is Illogical, Wasteful, Unhealthy & supports Torture    
If the food is good, why burn it ? ALL Omnivores eat Raw meat.               

Why Pay More for Inferior Food that tortures
Proud to be a Herbivore


America's #1 Enemy : Obesity, cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart attackand after death a very high risk of hell

 Freedom Of Speech, Sight & Sound    
Stop Censorship of Torture & Terror (AG-Gag Laws)


Female Omnivore Devours Male Human 2ble its weight.

Stop Torture
Feathers in your pillow (Duck & GeeseTorture)  
Duck Torture
Dairy Factory Torture
Stereotype:   Homosexuals are cowards, wimps and vegetarian
Chicken IQ & I Test
chicken Debeaking torture evil sadist

fur coat farming or 99Cents Torture
Ten Good Reasons to Eat Raw

More Pictures    

Burning destroys bacteria, microbes, viruses, protein and nutrients.  Burning is indiscriminant. The higher the heating temperature the greater the destruction.  

Fried chicken, fish, fries etc. contains little nutrients.  The frying temperature 175C to 190C (345 F to 375 F) destroys-distorts protein, creates carcinogens, is addictive and fattening.  

Do you drink boiled Orange Juice or boiled apple ?  Why bother, it has no nutrients.  

Why eat cooked meat, if the cooking destroys the protein  ? 


Eat Natural (Non GMO) Raw Foods