Fastest Brain Growth on lowest % Protein
Human Breast Milk has the lowest % Protein (by weight) of ALL mammals including Herbivores.

The Most Perfect Food for a Baby: Mother's Milk
Omnivore Theory (LIE): Animal Protein (in meat) is essential for our brain's growth and development.**
Human Brain grows & develops fastest, during the first year of life, on human breast milk.
Human milk, evolved over millions of years, has the lowest %
(by weight), 1% protein of all animals, even lower than herbivores. Even less than cow (3.4%),
Lion (6-8%), cat (6-8%), (dog (7.5%), donkey, monkey, chimpanzee or gorilla.
Human Milk composition: Human milk contains 90% water (fruits & vegetables), 6.9%--7.2% carbohydrate (rice, potato, pasta, bread, beans, banana, and fruits (sugar)), 3%--5% fat (nuts, seeds, olives, carbs, avocados), 0.8%--0.9% protein (nuts, seeds, beans, fruits & vegetables).
** If we are Omnivores and Protein
is so vital for our brain's growth and development, then why is human
milk so low in protein (<1%), Lowest of all animals including
herbivores ? The simple answer is that we are not Omnivores and Protein is not so vital (<1%) for our brain's growth and development.
Glucose-Sugar (not protein) is the fuel for our brain which is proof that we are herbivores.
So what is glucose, exactly? It’s the simplest of the carbohydrates, making it a monosaccharide. This means it has one sugar.
The Great Protein Fiasco:
Doctor, are plant foods protein deficient ? (3 Min answer)
The Protein Combining Myth (4 Min)
Ray Arjo