YBurnMeat ?
Because human is Herbivore

Genesis: Gestation & Number of Babies

Dog Litter Pig Litter

Gestation # ofLifespan

Months BabiesYears
Cow 9 115-20
Horse 11 125-30
9 130-50
Gorilla 9 135-40
Chimp 8 115-30
Pig 4 5-612-18
Dog 2 5-810-13
Lion 4 2-312-16
Cat 2 3-513-17

The less complicated the body of an animal is, the easier it is for the animal to reproduce itself.  For example a bike is easier to manufacture than a motorcycle.  Herbivores' bodies are more complicated than omnivores’ bodies.  It’s harder to extract vital nutrients from plants than it is to extract vital nutrients from raw meat which already contains nutrients (protein, fat, etc.).   
That's why herbivores have longer gestation periods and give birth to one baby at a time, whereas omnivores have shorter gestation periods and give birth to multiple babies at once. 

Since the brain is very intricate, a longer gestation period allows more time for brain development and growth in the womb.  Also the brain requires little protein because otherwise, carnivores and omnivores would have much larger brains than herbivores do since they eat raw meat loaded with protein.  Regarding protein, please see human milk having the lowest protein % of all herbivores during a period of fastest brain growth and development (0-6 months old baby).

Ray Arjo  FB   5/2023

Based on pictures among apes, the more meat in the diet, the smaller the brain & body.

Among Apes, More Meat in Diet=Smaller Brain